Editorial Policy

Bosque County Blast is committed to delivering accurate, fair, and unbiased news and information to our readers. This editorial policy outlines the principles that guide our reporting and content creation.

Accuracy and Fairness:

  • We strive to ensure that all information published on our website is accurate and up-to-date. We verify information with multiple sources whenever possible.
  • We present all sides of an issue fairly and objectively. We avoid sensationalism and bias in our reporting.
  • We strive to correct any errors promptly and transparently.

Attribution and Sourcing:

  • We properly attribute all quotes and information to their source.
  • We cite credible and reliable sources for all our information.
  • We avoid anonymous sources unless absolutely necessary and only with the Editor-in-Chief’s approval. In such cases, we take steps to verify the credibility and motivations of the source.

Conflicts of Interest:

  • We avoid conflicts of interest in our reporting. We disclose any potential conflicts of interest to our readers.
  • Our journalists are not permitted to write about topics in which they have a personal financial or emotional stake.

Headlines and Photos:

  • Our headlines accurately reflect the content of the article. We avoid misleading or sensational headlines.
  • We use photos and videos ethically and responsibly. We obtain permission for the use of any images that are not considered public domain.

Corrections and Clarifications:

  • We take responsibility for any errors in our reporting. We promptly publish corrections and clarifications whenever necessary.
  • Corrections will be clearly labeled and easily accessible on our website.

Community Engagement:

  • We encourage our readers to submit news tips, story ideas, and letters to the editor.
  • We strive to be a platform for open communication within the Bosque County community.

Opinions and Editorials:

  • Opinions expressed in editorials and opinion pieces are clearly labeled as such and represent the views of the author, not necessarily Bosque County Blast.
  • We welcome diverse viewpoints and perspectives in our opinion pieces.

Social Media:

  • We maintain a professional and respectful presence on social media platforms.
  • We fact-check information shared on social media before sharing it with our readers.

Bosque County Blast is committed to these editorial principles to ensure that our readers receive trustworthy and reliable information. We value your feedback and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.