All house transfers in North Portland that were reported between December 16 and December 22 are listed below. During this period, sixteen transactions were posted. At $540,000, a 1,922-square-foot house on Portland’s North Hayden Island Drive was the area’s median sale during this time.
$255,000, 720 square feet, $354 per square foot, two bedrooms, and one bathroom are all included in the property at 10223 N. Smith Street in Portland.
Portland, Oregon; 380,000; 936 square feet; $406 per square foot; three bedrooms; one bathroom; 4526 N. Hunt Street.
$400,000, 1,302 square feet, $307 per square foot, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms at 8464 N. Hendricks Street in Portland.
$442 per square foot, 926 square feet, two bedrooms, one bathroom, 828 N. Morgan Street, Portland, $409,000.
7808 N. Wall Ave., Portland, has three bedrooms, one bathroom, 1,034 square feet, and costs $415,000.
Portland, Oregon; $487,000; 972 square feet; $501 per square foot; three bedrooms; two bathrooms; 1530 N. Humboldt Street.
$490,000, 1,376 square feet, $356 per square foot, three bathrooms, 3320 N. Arlington Place, Portland.
$510,000, 1,808 square feet, $282 per square foot, four bedrooms, and three bathrooms are all included in the price of 9323 N. Bristol Ave. in Portland.
$540,000, 1,922 square feet, $281 per square foot, three baths, 707 N. Hayden Island Drive, Portland.
Portland, $540,680, 912 square feet, $593 per square foot, with two bedrooms and one bathroom, 9643 N. Kellogg Street.
$634,000, 1,970 square feet, $322 per square foot, five bedrooms, and two bathrooms at 4305 N. Haight Ave. in Portland.
$672,500, 1,583 square feet, $425 per square foot, three bedrooms, and three baths at 9604 N. Kellogg Street in Portland.
There are four bedrooms, one bathroom, 2,518 square feet, $288 per square foot, and $725,000 at 3835 N. Longview Ave. in Portland.
Portland, Oregon; 750,000; 1,706 square feet; $440 per square foot; four bedrooms; two baths; 2051 N. Emerson Street.
$1,220,000, 2,636 square feet, $463 per square foot, three baths, 2042 N. Skidmore Court, Portland.
$1,356,900, 4,320 square feet, $314 per square foot, 8207 N. Montana Ave., Portland.
realestate news
Homes at or under $500,000 on northern Oregon coast, Dec. 16 to 22
Homes at or under $750,000 in central Oregon, Dec. 16 to 22
What $1 million or less gets you in Lake Oswego, Dec. 16 to 22
What $535,000 can buy you in Portland, Dec. 16 to 22
See all homes sold in SW Portland, Dec. 16 to Dec. 22
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