10 Taylor Swift Lessons on Growth Everyone Should Know

Taylor Swift’s journey in life is like a beautiful melody of self-discovery and growth. In a 2019 Elle cover story, she shared thirty lessons she learned before turning thirty. Out of these, ten deeply resonated with her fans.

According to the source, Swift’s lyrics often reflect her fans’ own journeys, but these lessons are direct pieces of wisdom she shared, offering profound truths that continue to shape fans’ views on life.

Here are ten timeless lessons from Taylor Swift that remind us what true growth in life entails.

1. Block Out the Noise

Swift receives a lot of love on social media, but she also faces a lot of negativity.

She learned to “block some of the noise,” explaining, “Social media can be great, but it can also fill your brain with images of what you aren’t, how you’re failing, or who is in a cooler place than you.”

To lessen this insecurity, she turns off comments and blocks negative people. “It’s healthy for your self-esteem to need less internet praise.”

2. Be Like a Snake

Swift advises against being overly sweet all the time. She says, “Being sweet to everyone can get you into trouble.

Grow a backbone, trust your gut, and know when to strike back. Be like a snake—only bite if someone steps on you.”

3. Learn From Your Mistakes

Swift emphasizes the importance of making mistakes and learning from them.

“Trying and failing is normal. It’s good to mess up and learn from it, especially in your twenties when we’re searching.”

4. Embrace Body Positivity

Swift’s journey to loving her body was tough. She shared, “I learned to stop hating every ounce of fat on my body.

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A little extra weight means curves, shinier hair, and more energy. Pushing dieting boundaries too far can be dangerous. I work on accepting my body every day.”

5. Aging Is Not Bad

Swift challenges the societal message that aging is bad for women. “Society tells women that aging is the worst thing.

It’s an impossible standard. Jameela Jamil’s words on this subject feel like a voice of reason among these loud messages.”

6. All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Swift advises looking beyond first impressions in relationships. “Assess the layers of a person over time.

Are they honest, self-aware, and funny when you least expect it? Do they show up for you when needed?”

7. Define Your Own Value

Swift learned not to let outside opinions define her value. “For too long, strangers’ opinions affected how I viewed my relationships.

It’s crucial to have your own value system and not rely on the internet’s approval.”

8. Believe the Victim

Swift emphasizes the importance of believing victims of sexual assault. “Coming forward is agonizing.

I believe in victims because I know the shame and stigma firsthand. We speak up out of fear that it could happen to someone else.”

9. Know the Difference Between Lifelong Friendships and Situationships

Swift highlights the importance of recognizing who truly contributes to your life.

“Some friendships are for life, while others are for a phase.

It’s sad, but sometimes you outgrow relationships. You’ll always keep the memories, though.”

10. Remember Those Who Stick Around

Swift values the friends and fans who stayed by her side. “I learned who cares for me and who doesn’t. The fans and their care for me pulled me through.

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The most emotional part of my Reputation Stadium Tour was seeing the faces of those who helped me get back up.”

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