Discover the 6th Fastest Speed Limit in the World Right Here in Texas!

In Texas, there’s a bit of a running joke: whatever the posted speed limit is, people drive at least 80 MPH. Whether it’s 60, 65, or 75 MPH, some Texans seem to have a love for speed.

However, going over the speed limit, even by one mile per hour, is against the law. But today, we’re not focusing on the everyday speeders of Tyler, Texas.

Instead, we’re highlighting the fastest stretch of highway in the United States, located in Central Texas.

A Speed Limit Controversy

In East Texas, Interstate 20 boasts the highest posted speed limit at 75 MPH. Despite this, many drivers push their speeds to 90 MPH or more. It’s a risky behavior that endangers everyone on the road.

While it’s tempting to rant about this dangerous habit, we’ll focus on a unique aspect of Texas driving instead.

Did you know there’s a stretch of highway in Texas where the speed limit is an eye-popping 85 MPH?

According to the source, it’s on State Highway 130, a toll road running from just north of Austin to the south of San Antonio.

This is not only the highest speed limit in the United States but also in both North and South America.

The only places in the world with higher speed limits are Poland, Bulgaria, and Abu Dhabi, where the limit is 87 MPH. And, of course, Germany and the Isle of Man have certain roads without any speed limits.

Texas’ Place on the Global Speed Limit Scale

So, Texas holds the sixth-highest speed limit in the world. It’s quite a claim to fame, especially for those who love fast cars, like a Hellcat Charger.

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If you own such a vehicle, this stretch of Highway 130 is the perfect place to experience its full potential.

However, if you’re feeling the need for even more speed, it’s best to take your car to a track or another safe environment instead of public roads.

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