Former Deputy’s DWI Case Dropped Due to Lack of Evidence

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The Bernalillo County District Attorney’s Office has dropped the DWI case against former Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) deputy Adrienne Seay.

Her attorney praised the decision, asserting that the arrest was unwarranted and that Seay remains a reputable officer, as reported by Yahoo news sources.

Josh Boone, chief deputy district attorney, explained that the evidence did not support the charges. Claims of Seay’s slurred speech and bloodshot eyes by the New Mexico State Police officer were not corroborated by lapel video, and her field sobriety tests were inconclusive.

Boone emphasized the DA’s duty to follow the evidence, stating, “We are still obligated to do the right thing no matter what.”

The dismissal does not signal a broader issue with DWI checkpoint procedures, according to Boone. “This case doesn’t change how officers will investigate DWIs or how we as an office would approach them,” he clarified.

Seay’s case had been contentious from the beginning. In March, a hearing officer ruled in her favor regarding the return of her driver’s license, finding that the arresting officer’s testimony did not align with the official report and deeming the arrest “unreasonable.”

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Seay’s attorney, Ousama M. Rasheed, criticized the officer’s conduct, stating, “In this case, this particular officer didn’t do that.” Rasheed argued that the video evidence did not support the claim that Seay was impaired, asserting, “Any reasonable person viewing the video would not believe that the government could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she was impaired by alcohol.”

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Seay, who resigned from BCSO after her arrest, is considering a return to law enforcement. KRQE News 13 has reached out to New Mexico State Police regarding possible disciplinary action for Officer Roybal, but they have not responded.

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