New Study Highlights High Fatality Rates in Texas Shrimping Industry

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A recent study has revealed alarming fatality rates in the Texas shrimping industry, highlighting the significant risks faced by those working in this crucial sector.

Dr. Shannon Guillot-Wright, an occupational health expert and associate professor at UTHealth Houston, led the research team that identified these concerning trends. As per to the source kiiitv

“We talked to many shrimpers who had things fall on their heads, their friends’ heads,” Guillot-Wright explained, emphasizing the dangers posed by the various equipment used on shrimping vessels.

One particularly harrowing incident involved a shrimper who suffered a seizure after being struck on the head by a falling net.

This example underscores the precarious nature of the work, where even routine tasks can quickly turn dangerous.

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Jeff Wright, owner of Anne’s Bait House On The Bay, shared a personal tragedy from his experience. In March, a fellow shrimper died on his boat dock after falling headfirst into a winch.

“Something that no human being should ever have to see,” Wright recounted, urging greater awareness of the job’s risks.

Wright’s message to shrimpers is clear: “It can happen to you in the blink of an eye.”

As the study brings to light the critical safety concerns within the industry, there is a pressing need for increased vigilance and improved safety measures to protect those who brave the waters daily.

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